Quite simply, it’s a growth category.
Low and no beer grew 31% in value and
23% in volume in the year to October 2023, significantly outperforming the total beer category (flat volume, +5% value)**

It’s what customers expect!
49% of moderating drinkers
expect to see low and no products on the menu when they go out.

More choice for moderating customers.
The main reasons consumers drink low
and no are to feel sociable and because
they are more interesting than soft drinks.

Low & No drives incremental revenue.
Many consumers will drink low and no
alcohol products as an alternative to water
or soft drinks alongside alcoholic drinks,
rather than instead.

are a must-stock
Moderating consumers are looking for more
than just a simple soft drink to replace their
alcoholic tipples.

Increasingly, venues are expected to offer low and no alcohol alternatives to popular favourites like G&T and classic cocktails. 
Spirits & Adult
Soft Drinks
Beer and cider have led the charge in bringing
the low and no category into the mainstream.

Both specialist brands and established
breweries offer a wide range of full flavoured
low and no alcohol alternatives,
from premium international lager
to refreshing draught cider.
Beer & Cider

Times are changing!
51% of moderators say
it is now more socially acceptable
to avoid alcohol when out

*Proof Insight - 2024 Trend Report | **CGA OPM
Low and no alcohol wines offer a
refreshing alternative to traditional
wines, while maintaining the flavours and
essence of all your favourite styles.

Innovative techniques, like reverse osmosis
and vacuum distillation, have allowed
winemakers to produce complex and
delicious low and no alcohol wines.

15% of UK
consumers participated
in Dry Jan in 2023*

It’s no secret that more consumers are seeking to
moderate their alcohol intake than ever before.

Occasions like Dry January are getting bigger with more
people taking part every year. But it’s a trend that can be
seen all year round, especially among younger drinkers,
with health and well-being top of mind for many.
It’s clear that the demand for low and no options in the on-trade is here to stay, and with more delicious low and no alcohol options coming to the market every year, there has never been a better time to review your low and no offering. 

1 in 3 are permanently
moderating or avoiding
alcohol altogether

35% plan to drink
more low and no drinks
in the future

Moderating consumers are looking for more
than just a simple soft drink to replace their
alcoholic tipples.

Increasingly, venues are expected to offer low and no alcohol alternatives to popular favourites like G&T and classic cocktails. 
Spirits & Adult
Soft Drinks
Beer & Cider
Beer and cider have led the charge in bringing
the low and no category into the mainstream.

Both specialist brands and established
breweries offer a wide range of full flavoured
low and no alcohol alternatives,
from premium international lager
to refreshing draught cider.
*Proof Insight - 2024 Trend Report | **CGA OPM
Low and no alcohol wines offer a
refreshing alternative to traditional
wines, while maintaining the flavours and
essence of all your favourite styles.

Innovative techniques, like reverse osmosis
and vacuum distillation, have allowed
winemakers to produce complex and
delicious low and no alcohol wines.

Quite simply, it’s a growth category.
Low and no beer grew 31% in value and
23% in volume in the year to October 2023,
significantly outperforming the total beer
category (flat volume, +5% value)**

It’s what customers expect!
49% of moderating drinkers
to see low and no products on the menu
when they go out.

More choice for moderating customers.
The main reasons consumers drink low
and no are to feel sociable and because
they are more interesting than soft drinks.

Low & No drives incremental revenue.
Many consumers will drink low and no
alcohol products as an alternative to water
or soft drinks alongside alcoholic drinks,
rather than instead.

are a must-stock

Times are changing!
51% of moderators say it is
now more socially acceptable
to avoid alcohol when out

1 in 3 are permanently
moderating or avoiding
alcohol altogether

35% plan to drink
more low and no drinks
in the future

15% of UK
consumers participated
in Dry Jan in 2023*

It’s clear that the demand for low and no options in the on-trade is here to stay, and with more delicious low and no alcohol options coming to the market every year, there has never been a better time to review your low and no offering. 
It’s no secret that more consumers are seeking to
moderate their alcohol intake than ever before.

Occasions like Dry January are getting bigger with more
people taking part every year. But it’s a trend that can be
seen all year round, especially among younger drinkers,
with health and well-being top of mind for many.